VINÉSIME originates in the noble vineyards of Burgundy, France, where heritage blends with advanced botanical science to create a natural rejuvenating skincare line.

The brand uses the highest quality raw materials available thanks to ecologically sound and certified organic viticulture from the prestigious grape varieties of Burgundy. These grapes have exceptional concentrations of polyphenols, which are well-known for their antioxidant action and their ability to counteract the aging of human cells.

As specialists in vinocosmetics, they offer a beauty range whose active ingredients come from an exceptional region listed as a World Heritage Site. At the heart of the formulas, you will find Pinot Noir, which is 5 times richer in polyphenols (antioxidants) than green tea, and Burgundy Blackcurrant buds.

VINÉSIME's primary aim is to reconcile naturalness, effectiveness, sensory appeal, and safety for the consumer and our planet!

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