It all happened on a summer night in 1937. Albert Fouquet, a Parisian aristocrat and eccentric nose, met the young John Fitzgerald Kennedy one summer on the Côte d’Azur. During a conversation, JFK asked Albert the name of the perfume he was wearing. And having received a bottle as a gift, John fell in love with it.

On his return to America he wrote to Albert asking him for “eight samples and, if your production allows, another one for Bob”. With the help of Philippe, his faithful butler, he found some bottles in a pharmacy; before sending them off, he labelled them Eight & Bob.

Within a short time the whole Hollywood jet-set chose Eight & Bob as their elite fragrance, including Cary Grant and James Stewart. During the second World War and after the death of Albert, Philippe hid the bottles in order to protect them, inside books he had cut by hand; this original idea is used once again in the unmistakable distinctive packaging. A discovery made possible by Celso Fadelli, who is responsible for the re-launch of the perfume after years of oblivion during which the secret of the composition seemed lost.

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